CIAO DATE: 08/2011
Volume: 12, Issue: 2
Winter 2010
Social Capital as an Ethic for Citizenship (PDF)
Zeynel Abidin Kılınç
Communitarianism accuses liberalism as deterioriating the moral structure of society and leading to nihilism due to principles of liberal neutrality and moral autonomy. This study argues that the communitarian vision of good society relying on a common moral tradition is not appropriate for contemporary societies which are multicultural and contain value pluralism and social capital theory indicates that liberalism could develop its own type of civic morality.
EU's Perception of Turkey: The Meaning of Turkey for the EU
Muhittin Ataman, Veysel Ayhan, Mehmet Dalar
The perception of side towards another is important in Turkish-EU relations. In this study, an evaluation was made regarding the EU’s perception towards Turkey. In order to understand well the European perception of Turkey, a short introduction about the European integration was written, then Turkey’s meaning for the EU and the European perception of Turkey in dif-ferent issue areas such as history, geography, economy, international system and the EU public opinion was analyzed. Different factors were taken into consideration to conclude the importance of Turkey for the EU.
Society without Politics or Republic without People: Socail Democrayc of CHP
Bünyamin Bezci
In Turkish political life, social-democratic practice has been materialized in the experience of The Republican People’s Party. However the relationship between social democracy and the Republican People’s Party is contradicted with the foundational principles of this Party. Social democracy is a political ideology which is based on people’s demands. But the populism of the Republican People’s Party aims to determine people’s demands. The state holds the political which should be holded by people. The Republican People’s Party’s social-democratic practice that begins in 1960s has not been coherent with the line of the Socialist International. The Republican People’s Party could not follow the transformation of social-democratic ideology on the one hand and it has also been failed in following the political environment of global capitalism. If the Republican People’s Party insists on the foundational principles, it seems very difficult for the Republican People’s Party to become a real social democratic party.
Ethics in Turkish Public Administration and Public Officers Ethics Board
Süleyman Yaman Koçak, Gülçin Yüksel
The Prime Ministry Public Officers Ethics Board, which is serving to develop ethics culture in public administration, to identify ethical behavior principles, and to conduct and research on the contrary actions to these principles, is tried to be investigated in this study. For that purpose, beginning with the ‘ethics’ concept, the development of ‘ethics in administration’ in the world and in Turkey are mentioned; later the activities, the applications and the amendment of the Law on the Public Officers Ethics Board are stressed and finally the criticism regarding the Board’s structure and functioning are examined.
Leadershıp Behavıour And Job Satısfactıon: A study applied in Gaziosmanpaşa University Hospital
Ahmet Özkiraz, Cengiz Seyfikli
The aim of this study is to determine the effect of the managers’, who are assigned in various levels in GOP University Hospital, leadership behaviour on the staff’s job satisfaction. The survey has been carried out on the persons working in GOP University Hospital. Data has been obtained through standardized interview forms. The method of factor analysis has been used to determine the managers’ leadership manners. ONE WAY ANOVA has been used for the difference between the groups. To detect the effect of leadership manners on job satisfaction, Correlation Analysis has been put to use. Leadership manners, as type concept, have been considered to be supportive, instrumental, prone to success and participatory. It has been determined that such supportive, instrumental and participatory leadership manners have a positive effect on the staff’s job satisfaction.